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Sovereigns and Saints: Narrative Modes of Constructing Rulership

Type: Publication
Date: --
Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik. Band 70 - 2013

Mit Einschluß/Special Issue Section: Sovereigns and Saints: Narrative Modes of Constructing Rulership and Sainthood in Latin and German (Rhyme) Chronicles of the High and the Late Middle Ages (Edited by Uta Goerlitz)

Herausgegeben von Guus Kroonen, Erika Langbroek, Arend Quak und Annelies Roeleveld

Begründet von Cola Minis†. In Verbindung mit A.H. Touber.

Rodopi, Amsterdam/New York, NY 2013. VII, 303 pp. (Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik 70)

ISBN: 978-90-420-3652-9 Paper

ISBN: 978-94-012-0920-5 E-Book

Online info:


Paul Peterson: An Old Problem in Etymology Revisited: The Origin of Germanic Nouns with the Suffix –ster

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Special Issue Section: Sovereigns and Saints. Narrative Modes of Constructing Rulership and Sainthood in Latin and German (Rhyme) Chronicles of the High and The Late Middle Ages

Uta Goerlitz: Introduction: Cultural Integrative Figures at the Intersection of Rulership and Sainthood in Medieval Chronicles

Andreas Hammer: Interferences between Hagiography and Historiography: Bishop Ulrich of Augsburg and Emperor Henry II

Uta Goerlitz: Karl was ain wârer gotes wîgant. Problems of Interpreting the Figure of Charlemagne in the Early Middle High German Kaiserchronik

Annette Güntzel: Godfrey of Bouillon: the Stylization of an Ideal Ruler in Universal Chronicles of the 12th and 13th Centuries

Stephanie Seidl: Beyond all Logic? Narrative Relations between Secular Rule and Divine Grace in the Constantine Episode of Jans’s Weltchronik
