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Call for Papers: Medicine in the early Medieval period

Type: Call for Papers
Date: --
CFP: The Health of the Realm: The historical context of medicine in the
early middle ages
IMC Leeds 7-10 July 2014

While interest in medicine and medical texts has been growing in recent
years, its historical context has largely been neglected. Illness and
treatment do not exist in a vacuum: just as chronic stomach pain finds a
place alongside Byzantine diplomacy and the Lombard threat in the
of Gregory the Great, so the Anglo-Saxon Bald's Leechbook transcribes a
remedy sent to a sick King Alfred, and Bede records the plague that
the monastery of Wearmouth-Jarrow to its knees. Medical texts were the
product of the circumstances, anxieties, and philosophies of their
just as the times were shaped by the health of those who lived them.
session hopes to explore the historical framework of illness, care, and
transmission of medical knowledge. We are looking for papers on any
of early medieval medicine that draws on broader themes, on topics
including but not limited to:

- Cultural relations and the transmission of texts
- Trade and the market for materia medica
- The economy of medical care
- Transmission
- Vernacular and Latin sources
- Linguistic development and medical texts
- Leadership and Illness
- Death and illness, 'the Great Levellers'
- Soul, body, and the Church

Please send an abstract of no more than 300 words to by
September 10, 2013

Christine Voth
Department of Anglo-Saxon, Norse and Celtic
University of Cambridge