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Life Narratives: Prismatic World of the Author and Beyond

Type: Call for Papers
Date: --
Life Narratives: Prismatic World of the Author and Beyond
deadline for submissions:
July 15, 2021
full name / name of organization:
Language, Literature, and Interdisciplinary Studies
contact email:

Life Narratives: Prismatic World of the Author and Beyond

The interconnectedness between life and writing, explored in life narratives, subscribes to the axiom of endorsing a transparency regarding the nature of the self who is writing—not only to the readers, but to the author itself who may find a moment of oneness between life and writing. This generates multiple possibilities of interpretation embedded in the questions of truth, memory, and agency of the writing subject. While establishing the subject as the prism of narration, these narratives of subjectivity are punctuated with impulses to understand one’s own life, memorialize one’s experiences, record one’s encounters with the animate and the inanimate, or even a will to preserve the unity of one’s own identity. At the center of life narratives then are located the self-projections of the artist, either underscoring or playing with the apparent unity of author, narrator, and protagonist. But despite this focus on the artist-subject, life narratives keep engaging with epistemological enquiries that often go beyond what the author intends to promote—the act of personal recollection offering unintended consequences despite the concerns being focused upon individuality, subjectivity, interiority, or authenticity associated with the specular figure of the author.

Though overtly committed to personal memory, life narratives also uncover performativity inscribed in the very form, seen as the element of deliberate stylization, that draws attention to the limits of self-expression when structural and creative considerations come into play. Representation of subject, style of writing, or the pattern of self-disclosure gets reflected in plurality of forms that are both sedimented and fluid in structure. These innovative narrative structures are evolved to offer something which is an exception to the normative identification through overlapping of various genres: fiction, non-fiction, autofiction, poetry, memoir, autobiography, digital testimony, etc. Extending well beyond any coherent theoretical coordinates to streamline its disparate forms, life narratives are as much constructed by an individual artist-subject as they are the product of his intersecting textures of historical, social, political, economic, and cultural contexts.

Concerning the Issue 5.1 with the exploration of life narratives in different shapes and formats, LLIDS invites scholars to deliberate upon forms of articulation and presentation of life narratives by either focusing on the themes given below or branching beyond:

Forms of Expression and Configuring Autobiographical Subject
Ancient, Modern, and Postmodern Life Narratives
Narrativizing Memory in Life Narratives
Self-Portraits as Life Narratives
Life Narratives and Post Truth
Life Narratives as Metanarratives
Temporality in Life Narratives
Gendered Perspective in Self-Representation
Confession and Life Narratives
Figuring Reader in Life Narratives
Experiments with Language in Life Narratives
Formation of Identity through Life Narratives
Paratextual Elements in Life Narratives
Life Narratives in Translation

Only complete papers will be considered for publication. The papers need to be submitted according to the guidelines of the MLA 8th edition. You are welcome to submit full length papers (3,500–10,000 words) along with a 150 words abstract and list of keywords. Please read the submission guidelines before making the submission –
submission-guidelines/. Please feel free to email any queries to –

Please make all submissions via the form:

Submission deadline: 15th July, 2021

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